We got there - We were prepared - we were excited - I had memorised my parts but in rehearsal I stumbled and stumbled. Luckily I managed the whole thing with my prompts in the actual Presentation. The only part that went wrong was where I high jacked Lady J's last line. There was a large pause and I just jumped in to fill it. #emblazon
We had shirts, Postcards, Projections and confectionary. The space had atmosphere and for us it was memorable and engaging.
Take Aways.
For me - Design thinking is a mindset, a methodology, an approach, a curiosity, an opportunity.
I have already adopted the what if? How might we? concept towards my work and my discipline. It is not as easy in application as it is in theory and I found in both my projects for this course I got to a point where I felt like there was no problem anymore to be solved and that we were looking for something that was obvious. However it was through collaboration and iteration that new ideas and insights did emerge and it was in the end the process of defining our solution that the design thinking methodology was most effectively applied.
I have also learnt it is not always necessary nor appropriate to apply design thinking to a task. There are tools that I will not use again (eg: Affinity Map) because it confused me. There are tools that I already knew about and will use more often (eg: Perceptual map, 5 why's), and there are new tools that I have adopted to use in application in my everyday work(Empathy Map and the 'What if?' extensions of Million Dollars, 5 year olds).
Putting the Design Thinking theory into practice alone (task 1) and in a group (task 2) was extremely valuable for exposing the practicalities and improvisations that occur when floating new concepts and ideas. It felt reminiscent of my experience working in creative advertising and has been a wonderful reminder of the true creative process.
Thanks to the Design Thinking Class 2021.
My team mates were amazing, creative and inspiring humans.....and I think we worked well together (even if Chris did give us a 4/5).
My fellow class mates also made it great. Some amazing presentations and creative work being done - always supportive and collaborative.
Thanks for all your hard work and patience with us Carolyn. I know I got rowdy... we went off topic and we certainly tried to include drones every chance we could.
Below you can find our presentation slides, Report pages and links to the animations and I will leave you with the Emblazon out takes blooper video. The aqua duck was not staged - a complete representation of the problems.... and possibilities of projecting art. # Emblazon.
Links to micro collaboration board, videos and animations from presentation:
Storyboard stop motion animation
Emblazon Logo
Bob Ross progressive art demonstration
Emblazon Blooper video
The End