Timing - I undertook this external opportunity consectutively during the semester 2 2021
I was pretty excited when I got the email from AGDA, I had been accepted as a Mentee into the "AGDA YOU and Me" program. I had applied thinking that nothing would come of it and I was not even sure what I wanted to be mentored in - I had even thought of applying as a mentor but as I feel like that is a big part of my job already I thought maybe I could use a refresh and get some Industry perspectives on student portfolios, internships and try and work out where the pressure points were around entering the industry. 
So much was happening in my own career and I had been inspired in 2020 to test out a theory I had and work with some students on real client shadow projects over the semester breaks. It was all on zoom and it revealed many insights into how prepared or unprepared students were - It also revealed just how much I didn't know I knew and how much I could share. It was a fantastic experience and one that I am looking to build on as a side project or even a main project over 2022. 
My thoughts were that If I could have a mentor on the industry side I would get a different perspective on an industry level. 
I had to wait - almost a week - Then I got the Email - I had been paired with Dominique Falla. 
I admit  - I was a little overwhelmed because I know of Dominique.. she was the name, face, creator of Typism. A conference which had inspired me every time I attend. I have the books, I have friends who have typefaces published in the books. I also knew she worked at QCA so she knew the tertiary sector as I did. What I didnt know was she was soooo much more than that. 
These were the words that resonated with me in our first phone conversation. I had not been well prepared for  what we might discuss... because I wasn't sure what I was even doing now... but it was clear what I thought I was was different to what Domonique's perceptions were. After all she only knew what she could see online or in my erratic random description of what I thought my personality was.
Domonique, it turns out builds businesses, visions, conferences, communities, confidence, podcasts and people. 
I was given homework. 
I returned the second week with a venn diagram... now I was getting somewhere... or so I thought. 
VENN DIAGRAM FEEDBACK - That could be anybody?

Who I was, what was I doing, why was I doing it and most of all - how. I didn't sleep and every waking hour was spent questioning everything about myself. I got some extremely harsh but valuable feedback from my family.
I thought I was positive, confident, fun and energetic, colourful  - definitely eccentric and erratic in my creative fields... You are a know-it-all my daughter told me. 
I can help others with creative confidence but I couldn't find it in myself. I was getting busy now with work and with my own study and so I had to find a way to allow myself some time - I had the opportunity to create visuals  - Domonique had suggested I find images that represent me more effectively - outside of the 20-year-old black and white insta image or the stock standard branding work that floated around my name online.  I got the chance in the still and moving image class at QCA... And I tried to reflect was I was like as a person
Over the next few weeks, I did get to talk to Domonique about her own journey which was wonderful, I did really want to understand her position and it was inspiring to hear about her own plans and goals. Because of my Friday schedule, my phone sessions have become a bit more erratic so many conversations have been in the car driving or at corporate events. I was ever so lucky to be invited into her live chats each week and managed to meet some of the other ladies that are running through her course. They were wonderful and it was a little refreshing to see the expressions on their faces as Domonique told us we needed to use our names  - not an alias... own it... the fear was evident in us all. 
What do I even do with a P for Paloma
Leaving that there I focused on the next request
My final task was to identify a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. I sent through a list of hair goals - I had an idea - I wanted to look in this space. I also had a lot of Marking mid-semester with work and my own assignments - trying to learn multiple software programs, juggling my kids activities and a major complication with an ongoing ear infection ...I was overwhelmed. 
This is what I sent Domonique
Goal 1  - I want to connect with industry professionals - create a network that allows me to gain insights into the needs of industry processes and uptake.  This network may also form a basis for Part A clientele
Goal 2  - I need to connect with tertiary institutions 
- create a network that allows me to gain insights into the needs of the students.  I have some connections here I might be able to use....
QCA - Friend - Director of student services and supervisors - Domonique 🙂
CQU - Employer
USC - Employer
TAFE - Employer
TDS - Employer
Goal 3  - To use my master's research project to investigate the process of the reinvention or reinterpretation of portfolio. New ways, new ideas, new meanings. I will be specifically focusing on tertiary design students bridging the gap between graduation and industry placement.  The space between the qualification and the magic 3 years experience. Industry side  - Time, training, Graduate side - Confidence and Creativity.
Goal 4 - Establish a Business that services the needs of both industry and education. A short course/consult/shadow process that connects both parties. Or .......
Establish a consulting business that services the needs of both industry and education. A short course/consult/shadow process that connects both parties. EG: business model example
https://mastersofscale.com/#/wendy-kopp/ Teach For America and Teach For All concept

To participate in creative communities projects 
To stay married
To do what I say - practice what I preach

To do this by 2023
To present the idea at an industry event, local or other - wouldn't it be great to showcase students who gained confidence and were successful in their paths because I could help them.

I had a Marking Tsunami 12 hours away. 

Domonique's Response was that "none of my goals are big hairy or audacious."
Goal 1  - I want to connect with industry professionals - create a network that allows me to gain insights into the needs of industry processes and uptake of graduates
I was then challenged with bringing 5 points to the table that I might present at an industry talk given the chance. I had one week and I madly contacted friends, chatted to designers I knew who were employing people, talked to my clients and got a few small insights into the problem I wanted to address. I didn't talk to students at this point as I want to take this forward as part of my masters research next year - I am keen to have this topic as my area of research so aware that it will be far more involved I didn't create surveys or anything to help me as yet... and I'm still marking, tutoring, working freelance, doing assessment and have not given this near enough time. 
What I sent to Dominique
The elusive 3 years - the disconnect between graduate and employer - The elusive chicken and the egg situation - Minimum 3 years experience 
Title of talk - 'The Gap years'
Points to present
Why the gap exists?
• Social Media and SEO factors - Basic level
• The hidden Job market
Bridging the gap?
• Strategies
• Start points
• Standards
• Expectations
Making the leap?
• Possible solutions
• Take away  - the one thing you can do right now
Dominique said I wasn't ready and I'm pretty sure I came across as confused and an incoherent overtired person that day....I was absolutely not prepared (I think I was driving at the time) and not ready to take this on and because it was the last week of the mentorship program I tried to make it happen regardless......... instead, I should have postponed my conversation - I have too much going on. 
I have signed up to continue with Domonique in her 'creative spark' course because I found her advice and accountability so valuable. Had I not had this mentorship opportunity I would not have had the confidence to enrol or even entertain the idea that I might have something to offer outside of my current employment. I joined the mentorship wanting to make connections, wanting to get current insights into the design industry outside of my own network. 
I wasn't sure what I would get out of it, if anything at all. What I have gained is an opportunity a whole lot of reality check.
I have put my goals on hold until November when I have the headspace. If you look at my task 3.  I think it will give you a pretty good idea of the chaos that was happening in my mind.  
I attended the AGDA mentorship drinks to celebrate the end  - Domonique was stuck in NSW with covid restrictions so we have yet to meet but it was fantastic to everyone else that night. 
To be continued.....

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